rent-seeking behavior

美 [rent ˈsiːkɪŋ bɪ'heɪvjər]英 [rent ˈsiːkɪŋ bɪ'heɪvjə(r)]
  • 网络寻租行为
rent-seeking behaviorrent-seeking behavior
  1. Application of Rent-seeking Behavior Analyzing on Government Regulation Mechanism Designing in Electrical Power Market


  2. Rent-seeking Behavior of Enterprises and its Rescue in Economic Transition in China


  3. Rent-seeking Behavior of Local Government in the Area of Taxation and Its Treatment Measures


  4. Research on Power Rent-Seeking Behavior and its Correction under " Human Feelings and Face "


  5. The emergence of these rent-seeking behavior of the normal state of resource allocation .


  6. Therefore , the rent-seeking behavior is inevitable .


  7. The rent-seeking behavior broke the previous balance of monitor game between the government and enterprises .


  8. On just to let more people understand the rent-seeking behavior to the harm caused by this society .


  9. This paper construct a dynamic game model and analyze the rent-seeking behavior of regulator in different food safety regulation system .


  10. Corruption and rent-seeking behavior as an important manifestation of the various countries in the world are prevalent .


  11. The economic reasons for rent-seeking behavior are unfair market competition and unreasonable institions .


  12. This is a rent-seeking behavior in the market for corporate control induced by the government 's monopolistic control over financial resources .


  13. The paper examines the escalating commitment in capital budget items from the perspective of rent-seeking behavior .


  14. Actually , the inefficient enterprise budget management is due to the rent-seeking behavior of agents all levels in the enterprise .


  15. From the enterprises which have already implemented MBO , the MBO in our country exists mostly rent-seeking behavior .


  16. Finally , the rent-seeking behavior for the relevant accounting policies , trying to suppress the negative accounting rent-seeking behavior .


  17. Analyzes the accounting rent-seeking behavior appears in the process of international establishing account standards by induct rent-seeking thought into international account standards .


  18. However , in order to ensure normal production , manufacturers had to draw the relationship to appropriate resources , such as rent-seeking behavior is produced .


  19. The rent-seeking behavior of local government lead to more informal action . As result , the emergence of informal space is exacerbated .


  20. Third , use normative research methods combined with specific case studies and data analysis to interpret accounting rent-seeking behavior in order to get the theory of universal significance .


  21. In the process of land supply , the rent-seeking behavior happened between government and the developers , the focus of which is the authorization of developers .


  22. From more than double the dimension , the empirical tests and analysis obtained an important conclusion : the existence of rent-seeking behavior in the IPO auditor choice .


  23. The conclusion is that the reform of food safety regulation system from multi-section to single-section regulation is conducive to preventing rent-seeking behavior of regulator .


  24. Forest resource control policies proliferation of rent-seeking behavior in the implementation process , the agency relationship distorted the core reason for the failure of the control policy of forest resources .


  25. Analysis results show that condition of rent-seeking behavior of owner has no relationship with the rent-creating benefit , namely , the rent-seeking cost of construction-agent .


  26. Because evolutionary reformation formed project valuation way " dual track system " and the market was unperfect and unordered , the environment for producing rent-seeking behavior was offered .


  27. China is in a political and economic transition period in the transition process for a variety of systems and policies do not fit . Makes the society generated a lot of rent-seeking behavior .


  28. Due to the unequal status of enterprise in import potash in the negotiation of import potash , led to the rent-seeking behavior in potash fertilizer import market .


  29. The participants of rent-seeking behavior in the area of taxation include not only tax authorities and tax payers but also local governments . It brings serious harm to the economic development .


  30. Nowadays , rent-seeking behavior is popular in China 's financial market . It seriously breaks the financial market orders , increases more transaction costs , brings more the financial risks and corruption .
